How to make an effective non-toxic weed killer

How to make an effective non-toxic weed killer

Weeds are the bane of the existence of people who want to attract attention to their well-groomed flower beds and landscape, not to the freeloading plants that seem to pop up seemingly overnight. I let some weeds in some places thrive, like dandelions that can become wine and milkweed to feed the monarchs, but weeds…

Chives blooming? Great! Do this with chive blossoms

Chives blooming? Great! Do this with chive blossoms

Don’t despair if your chives have gone to seed. Here’s an easy and tasty use for chive blossoms. Chive flowers Chive flowers are beautiful— they belong to the allium family, some of which are those purple-globed flowers that accent our flower gardens—but chive blooms mean there are fewer edible chives. Once you see a chive…